MoolahLIVE introduces elementary and middle school students to money basics, including budgeting earning, spending money (wants versus needs, prioritizing financial goals, being money smart consumers and more) Bank (checking and savings accounts) and charity.
The lessons learned during this simulation will allow the students to see a correlation between lifestyle and career choices. Students will also learn how to budget their earnings to afford their desired lifestyle. MoolahLIVE is a one-day in school event that is coordinated with teachers.
Students are taught a financial curriculum about making smart financial choices. Students are also exposed to learning about money in a fun and entertaining experience. The lessons learned during this event will have a lasting impact on how students will make financial decisions as adults.
As part of the simulation emphasis will be placed on helping students navigate through the personal financial literacy T.E.K.S (Texas essential knowledge and skills) mandated by the Texas Education Agency. Teachers are provided with a pre and post assessment curriculum.
Check out MoolahLIVE!
For more information or to arrange to host this AMAZING program at your school contact our office.
Lonnie Mathews
(281) 845-3642